With temperature ranging from below 5°C in winter to 38°C and situated in Lower Dibang District of Arunachal Pradesh amidst the mighty Brahmaputra and the foothills of the Himalayas, the Missimi Hills area is endowed with unmatched sub-tropical pristine forest in steeply sloping landform, high rainfall and mega-biodiversity. This area is one of the last strongholds for many species peculiar to this forest type. More than 680 species of bird available here make it a birders’ paradise. Slater’s Monal, Blyth's and Temmink's Tragopan, Chestnut-breasted Partridge, Rufous-necked Hornbill, pale-capped Pigeon, Ward's Trogon, dark-sided Thrush, Green and Purple Cochoa, Rusty-bellied and Gould's Short wing, Beautiful Nuthatch, Rusty-throated and Wedge-billed Wren Babbler, Fire-tailed Myzornis, at least four Parrotbill species, Black-headed Greenfinch, Scarlet Finch and Grey-headed Bullfinch are some spedcies found there.